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For the Love of … Patents?

Think youve found that someone special? Valentines Day is still a ways away, but these inventors obviously have love on the brain. Here are a few of their strange creations that someone at the patent office took to heart:

Use of Odorants to Treat Male Impotence- This patent provides an alternative to Viagra. All you have to do is smell certain combinations of odors to increase blood flow in certain parts of the male anatomy. The inventor lists these scents- lavender pumpkin pie, doughnut licorice, pumpkin pie doughnut- to be administered by sprays, scratch-and-sniff patches, and scented cloths.

The Kissing Shield Thin latex stretched over a heart-shaped frame allows the user to enjoy kisses while remaining protected from germs.

Sorry I Pissed You Off Greeting Card Perfect for those long-term relationships as couples are bound to hit a few bumps in the road. This card is simple and direct, put together by a real husband and wife team from Ohio.

The Love Box- This box is intended to be used as a token between lovers. An included instruction sheet claims that the box holds the givers love inside, and can never be emptied. Open it periodically for a quick burst or leave it open all the time to receive constant loving.

The Lovers Game Each person is given a container with an equal number of game pieces inside. Whenever one of the lovers performs a loving act, he or she gives the other lover a game piece which is stored in the recipient’s container space. The first person whose container overflows is then prompted to repay the loving acts back to the other person. Its a unique way to promote harmony between the two players.