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Tell the White House How Patents are at the Core of Innovation

The White House has a relatively new tool for gathering input on issues of importance:

A member of the White House staff posts a short video on a topic of importance, and then asks the viewers a couple of questions to which they would like feedback. A few days later they post a summary of the comments that they received. I see it as an opportunity to provide feedback “directly” to the Advisors who are doing the “advising” to the President. Will it change the world? Probably not. Will it make a difference regarding direction taken? Probably not. Will my opinion actually be read by someone with influence? Possibly. Will it make me feel better that I had a chance to express my opinion on topics that matter to me. Probably. So I’ll do it. If you’d like to check it out, follow the link below. Today’s questions are at the heart and soul of many of many of us:

  • How is American innovation affecting your community?
  • What are the obstacles to innovation that you see in
    your community? And what steps can be taken to remove them?

I believe that an effective and efficient patent system is vital for promoting and sustaining innovation in our society — application, patent research and due diligence, approval, validation, defense and validation. I’ll tell Mr. President more. You should too.