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Use an IP Roadmap to Determine Patent Filing Approaches

IP Roadmap Best Practices
Navigate the Patent Prosecution Maze with an IP Roadmap

The exhilaration of invention quickly collides with the complex world of patent filings. Endless forms, costly government fees, tricky legal rules – it’s enough to sap the thrill from any Eureka moment! But never fear – with the right strategy that is captured in an IP Roadmap, even the twisting maze of patent prosecution can be navigated.

At Global Patent Solutions, we always advise inventors to seek the advice of competent patent counsel. We are fortunate to work with some of the best in the world, and we are happy to make a referral.  We often also work with clients to help them organize their thoughts and formulate what we call a Strategic IP Roadmap.  This can help them prepare properly and optimize their utilization of legal support services. When clients engage with Global Patent Solutions on an IP Roadmap for a new invention, we start by mapping out objectives. Will you license the technology broadly or use patents defensively? Seek international rights or focus domestically? We have a clear checklist to help clients think through what is important to them with respect to protecting their intellectual property. Building this foundational understanding then points towards the optimal filing path.

What Type of Patent Application Should Be Filed?

For many independent inventors, we recommend pursuing initial protection through a lower-cost provisional application. This locks in that vital early filing date while allowing 12 months to finalize research, develop prototypes, gauge commercial prospects, and shore up financial backing before facing steeper official filing costs.

On the other end of the spectrum, major corporations often pursue international patent protection through PCT applications right from launch. This delays costly foreign filings by up to 30 months as global business units evaluate markets. Continuation applications then provide opportunities to subsequently expand on initial PCT patent claims as commercial potential grows clearer.

A clearly defined IP Roadmap that aligns with the company’s business strategy will quickly provide clarity regarding the optimal filing approach.  The IP Roadmap will also enable one to shift course as the situation evolves. Patent strategies morph as priorities change across development cycles. By maintaining perspective on your invention’s trajectory amidst the twists and turns, we can help you dynamically respond with revised filings to advance protection – leveraging provisional filings, PCTs, continuations, and beyond as needed over the lifetime of your intellectual property.

Begin Charting Your Course Today

Where will your ideas take you next? With an adaptable IP roadmap in hand, you can count on arriving at those world-changing destinations! Begin charting your course today. Take an easy first step by getting your free patent strategy checklist.


This article is part of a series entitled “A Guide to Protecting Your Innovations”.  To start the series at the beginning, click here.

Next up in our series, we answer the question: “In which countries should we file foreign applications?”